Thursday, December 30, 2010

Show Poster

As a follow up or cap to the Digital Art class I was given the opportunity to make a show poster for The Bellmont. I haven't done any show stuff in awhile and was happy to get back to it. I only wish we could attend the show. I have heard the CD several times and really like it, very tight and clean recording with some great tunes and lyrics.

This one is a tiny bit different from the final printed one but I prefer it with the ommited detail.

One a different note we had a great Christmas with family and friends and got to some crafting in between starting off with the messiest cookie making session ever, i.e. more dough on my clothes and walls of kitchen then actually got baked. There was a step we took beforehand that we will have to omit next time ;)

Other crafting that I am excited about that I will post about soon are garlands and Suminagashi.

Digital Art Class

It's been awhile but I have actually been blogging in between just over here for the semester. I am posting some highlights from the class here but hop on over there for more... because I know you are dying for it.

Home is Where you Park It

14 Images 14 Days- Mid-Century Modern Adorned

Final Project- Holiday Cards

To be honest I went into this class having little idea of what we were going to be doing. Certainly not art, that's not school. School=boring, right. Well obviously I need to wrap my mind around what art classes are because I had a blast. In part due to the professor, Phillip Faulkner (check out his art) and some of the classmates.
I also had a bias in my head about digital art, one that that I think that most people have, that it is missing an aura. I am still coming to terms with the fact that it can have an aura and trying to figure out how any digital art I create is special or unique to me but I think I am hooked on this medium.