Sunday, February 10, 2008

Vintage Family Photos

My Grandma Smith sent me these amazing photos of our family. I had a real hard time not including all of them. Each has so much information in them when studied closely. I'm fascinated by them... This is my great grandmother Minerva May Tutt. I have searched these photos over and over for resemblances to me and my family now. I can't say I've found many but there are several photos that resemble my Aunt Julie and cousins Erica and Christina.

I have no idea who this is but the series is so awesome. The look on the boy's face in each frame seems to be so telling of his character.

and another one I don't know who it is but I can see some similarities between my dad and this guy. Also, the reflection of the boat is lovely.

The rest of the photos and some of a very young "Smith Family" (circa 1983-1985) can be seen on my flickr page.

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